NASW board comments on recent events

NASW is deeply troubled by recent incidents regarding offensive language and sexual harassment in the science writing community. We support those who have taken steps to address this problem, including individuals who, at significant personal risk, brought incidents forward to cast light on an insidious problem that clearly infects professional relationships not only in our own community but across our entire society.

As NASW board members we reiterate our commitment to foster trust and respect at our conferences and events and on our online discussion groups. We aim to ensure a safe, hospitable experience for all of our members regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, or physical appearance.

We plan to continue a discussion of these issues at our upcoming board meeting in Gainesville. As with all NASW efforts, we depend on involvement of volunteers. We welcome your ideas and interest in contributing to the discussion, which you can provide by contacting Tinsley Davis, or any board member.

-NASW Board of Directors

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