ScienceWriters, Fall 2010

The ScienceBlogs blowup, profiles of the Science in Society Journalism Award winners, and a print journalist's adventures in video, and reviews of books available for sale in the NASW bookstore.

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ScienceWriters magazine

ScienceWriters magazine is devoted to reporting and commentary on issues in science journalism and communications, and to the special interests of members of the National Association of Science Writers (NASW). Issues are produced twice yearly. Read a sample issue.

Redesigned in 2019, the new ScienceWriters is equal parts newswire, business journal, and alumni magazine, and features vibrant colors, fresh typefaces, and original illustrations. The updated layout includes familiar departments, like member news and regional happenings, alongside new sections that highlight the benefits of NASW membership and trusted tools of our trade.

ScienceWriters is currently edited by Ben Young Landis, assistant executive director of NASW. Previously, Sarah Nightingale edited the publication from 2019 to 2022. Lynne Friedmann served as editor for 18 years prior, and Howard Lewis was editor for 17 years before that. Other previous editors include Barbara Culliton, Mark Bloom, and Jerry Bishop.

NASW members can browse and search the full text of all issues of ScienceWriters issues since Fall 1995.

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