About Mary's page
About Me
My Writing
My Other Life
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WEBHOST My webpage is graciously hosted by the National Association of Science Writers.
TYPE FONT The font was handpicked from the Netscape and Photoshop selections, and is in most cases Arial. The title images are in ITC Officina Sans Book, whatever that means.

PALETTE And YES, much on these pages is PURPLE. At some point in each of our lives, our genes become fully expressed and we become our parents. The vibrant purple found on these pages indicates that I have become my mother. That this has happened even without the kids and the crossword puzzles makes it plain to me that genetics works in mysterious ways. As a writer, I wish I had her vocabulary. All I got is her uncanny attraction towards purple. Purple purple purple. And her hair. Oh, and that nose. My god. That nose.

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National Association of Science Writers