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I'm back to freelancing after nearly ten years at a national lab. Finally some clips to share!

The business of truck lubrication, Tribology & Lubrication Technology, February 2020
Remember Smokey and the Bandit?

From Lithium to Potassium, EPRI Journal, January 9, 2020
Going back to go forward.

On a Mission to Protect Workers from Heat, EPRI Journal, October 2, 2019

Can you grease a squeaky wheel and still stop a train?, Tribology & Lubrication Technology, May 2019

How Can the Power Industry Help the Monarch Butterfly?, EPRI Journal, April 4, 2019
Our butterflies are disappearing.

Mice, like people, like to be rocked to sleep, Science Magazine, January 24, 2019
Mouse on a hammock!

Squeezing energy from synthetics, Tribology & Lubrication Technology, January 2019

Orchestrating the Distribution System, EPRI Journal, November 26, 2018
This story has a great animation in it. Here's a direct link if you want to check out how the grid automatically detects failures and reroutes power to keep as many people powered up as possible.

A Twist in Hydropower Monitoring, EPRI Journal, November 26, 2018

Here are some old freelance clips:

Crime, Culpability, and the Adolescent Brain, Science Magazine, July 30, 2004

Supreme Court Ends Death Penalty for Minors, Science Magazine, March 1, 2005

'Rock Star’ of Biomedical Ethics Tackles Cancer, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, October 3, 2007
I got to talk to a Hollywood agent!

Seven years of Science Magazine news, from Elvis of E. coli to Great Balls of Fat

Gab Bag, The American Prospect (which thinks I'm a linguistics professor. I am not), March 28, 2005

Whittling Thousands to a Few (pdf). HHMI Bulletin, May 2006, pg 14

Poison that killed spy is in your body and mine, Los Angeles Times A Closer Look, December 18, 2006

A Matter of Taste, Smithsonian Magazine, August 2004

A bunch of JNCI stories, from Bayes days to cavorting RNAs

Los Angeles Times A Closer Look covered autism to female viagra

I studied molecular biology for years. My first big story (while in The Program) was on marine snow, and mostly I covered the life sciences the first time around (I'm partial to biochemistry and structural biology especially), but doing time at two national labs grew me on climate change, chemistry, physics and materials sciences, some areas that undeservedly do not get a lot of play in the media. You can find a lot of my press releases at Eurekalert!. I'm not sure what I'll be covering in my new gigs, but come back and find them here!

While working at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (now the INL), I learned about "key capabilities" and "core competencies" -- otherwise known as areas of expertise. Here are mine.

You can find details of my education and past research life by clicking on those words.

Curriculum vitae and pdf files of clips available upon request.

Contact information:

Richland, Washington

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National Association of Science Writers

Last update
March 31, 2002