Mary's areas of expertise
About Me
My Other
Written in the style of a 5,000-employee monster of a company.
With no writers.

Core competencies
Engineering complete, active sentences, often with an object in addition to a subject and verb.

Paraphrasing information and generating allegorical images to explain and illuminate important facts and concepts.

Processing sentence length within paragraphical constraints to achieve rhythm and emphasis.

Eliminating unnecessary words to proactively achieve concision.

Applying research and fact-checking skills to compose lay-level documents about unfamiliar, complicated topics.

Outwardly conveying receptivity to the editorial processing of my work.

Editorially processing colleagues' work to enable the enhancement of their messages.

Key capabilities
Nouns Verbs Prepositions/prepositional phrases
Pronouns Clauses Semicolons/commas
Conjunctions Adverbs/adjectives The beautiful, eloquent mdash

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