Nouns I use them. I try to average between one and twelve per sentence, and balance one syllablers with larger, more colorful multi-plexed nouns. I strive to have as many unrelated nouns in one sentence as possible, if only so I can say I juxtaposed "underpants" and "neutron".

Verbs Active verbs will be left in the dust by the new revolution in writing -- using proactive verbs. Jump on the bandwagon now and feel the synergy.

Prepositions/prepositional phrases Knowing that a preposition is wherever a mouse can go, sometimes I dapple my prose with the meandering buggers to catch a little travel on the taxpayers' doll. Or is it dole?

Pronouns I resist change, fiercely at times, but I've gently nudged the use of the plural pronouns for the nongendered singular case along language's slow evolutionary path. Why doesn't an anthropomorphic, hermaphroditic comet hit the English language and put a little selective pressure on this problem, huh?

Clauses In general, a sentence will do instead of a clause. But in certain cases, clauses are really useful, such as when one has too many clothes, walk-in clauses are key to crisp sentences. I've also found that in the holiday season, bearded clauses are a great way to get new writing supplies.

Semicolons/commas Why they named them semicolons instead of supercommas is beyond me.

Conjunctions I dropped all my sandbags but my balloon wouldn't go any higher. A loudly pronounced conjunction can make up for many inadequate transitions. But not all.

Adverbs/adjectives Whenever I confused adverbs with adjectives growing up, I sang the Electric Company's jingle: You enter a very dark room, and sitting there in the gloom, is DRACULA-a-a-a! ! ! How do you say goodbye? IMMEDIATELY -- IMMEDIATELY -- IMMEDIATE -- L-Y.

m dash Whether it's two hyphens snuggled next to each other or a properly coded dash the length of an m's width, this punctuation mark frees me from being concerned about too many commas, or semicolons, or bonbons the night before. So often it fills the niche, the beat, between my thoughts. So small, yet so powerful. All hail the m dash.
