Mary's education
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  Certificate, Program in Science Writing: University of California, Santa Cruz, 1998. NOTE: This makes me a certified science writer.
     Three month internship at the awesome Exploratorium.

Ph.D., Molecular Biology: Department of Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1997
     Thesis: Interactions of poliovirus polymerase and RNA, Dr. Karla Kirkegaard, advisor
     Member of the organizing committee for MCDB's Graduate Student Symposium "Self vs Nonself: Modes of Organismal Recognition and Defense," April 25-27, 1995

B.S., Biological Sciences: University of California, Irvine, 1989
        Undergraduate research in cancer immunotherapy, Dr. Gale "Morrie" Granger, advisor

My formative years were spent doing twelve years in Catholic schools -- including four at Rosary High, an all-girls Catholic high school. Senior year I was captain of the Red Team and we kicked ass.

  Education  Research  TriCities (Richland, Pasco, Kennewick, West Richland)  Clips

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