Registration has opened for the ScienceWriters2024 annual conference — a co-production of the National Association of Science Writers (NASW), the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW), and the Science Communicators of North Carolina (SCONC).
The conference will offer sessions online and in person. NASW will host “ScienceWriters2024 Early Access” online on Oct. 16-18. Together, NASW, CASW, and SCONC will host the in-person conference program in Raleigh, N.C., from Nov. 8-11. All event and registration information can be found at
Key Links
- Register for the Conference
- Apply for Attendance Assistance Grants by Sept. 10
- Explore the Conference Program
- Find Accessibility Information
- Inquire About Sponsorship Opportunities
Held annually, the ScienceWriters conferences provide a gathering place for professionals and students working across the science news and communications landscape. From journalists to institutional science writers, from editors to producers, from seasoned science communicators to those just starting their careers, the events provide opportunities for every attendee, be it skills development, professional networking, and discussions on pressing scientific topics.
#SciWri24 continues this tradition with craft and career workshops organized by NASW members; New Horizons in Science briefings curated by CASW; and networking events and interactive tours in the Research Triangle region organized by SCONC and local sponsors.
Events organized by NASW member volunteers will include the ever-popular #SciWriPitchSlam where freelancers can pitch before a panel of editors; journalism sessions on building trust with sources and leveraging open data; and lessons from trauma-informed science reporting.
CASW New Horizons in Science briefings will include the annual Patrusky lecture featuring Joseph L. Graves Jr. of North Carolina A&T State University — as well as a speaker on elections and polarization and a panel on covering climate-change solutions.
Local events organized by SCONC include the popular Lunch with a Scientist gatherings, an ant science nature walk with Eleanor Spicer Rice, a reception at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, and inside access to research facilities and campus attractions across the Triangle region.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can Attendees Support Western North Carolina? While Raleigh was unaffected by Hurricane Helene in late September 2024, the conference organizers stand in support with our friends in western North Carolina. Read our open letter and lend your support to Blue Ridge Public Radio.
Who Can Attend the Conference? Anyone interested in the world of professional science writing, at any career stage or seniority! Whether you're a journalist or institutional representative, student or educator, writer or editor, wordsmith or multimedia maven, book author or newsletter creator, or any other kind of communicator in between and beyond labels, we welcome you. Come network, learn, and grow with our national and international community — and join us in advancing the professions and professionals that produce science news and public information for the benefit of our society.
What Discounts Are Available? Early bird rates are available for all registrants until Oct. 1. NASW members qualify for additional discounted registration (apply for NASW membership at Members of AAJA, NABJ, NAHJ, IJA (NAJA), NLGJA, SAJA, Trans Journalists Association, the Uproot Project, and SACNAS. also are eligible to register at the NASW member rate throughout the registration period.
Put the Conference in Your Hands: After registering, attendees should download the Whova app (Apple Store | Google Play) to get access to all session details, message boards, speaker bios, and attendee networking information. Access to Whova will be provided within ~48 hours of registration to each attendee via the email address used to register for the conference, so attendees, please wait if you appear to not be able to access Whova right away.
Access Hotel Discounts: Access to Raleigh hotel discount bookings will be provided to attendees upon completion of registration. We expect conference hotel blocks to fill completely, so we recommend registering and booking as early as possible. (Note: Our primary conference hotel is Raleigh Marriott City Center. Once our contracted room blocks fill up at Marriott, we will update registration to list conference rates at additional partner hotels.)
Apply for Financial Aid: Conference attendance assistance grants are available through NASW and CASW, with applications due Sept. 10. A special grant for Indigenous journalists participation is available through NASW, with applications due Sept. 17.
When Does Registration Close? All registration will close on Oct. 24 or when capacity is reached. Register today — and we’ll see you this fall!

About the National Association of Science Writers
Founded in 1934 with a mission to fight for the free flow of science news, NASW is an organization of ~2,400 professional journalists, authors, editors, producers, public information officers, students and people who write and produce material intended to inform the public about science, health, engineering, and technology. To learn more, visit and follow NASW on LinkedIn and Bluesky. And join us in celebrating #NASW90th.
About the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing
The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing is committed to improving the quantity and quality of science news reaching the public. Led by a board of directors composed of senior journalists and others committed to excellence in the communication of science, CASW develops and funds programs to help reporters and writers produce accurate and informative stories about developments in science, technology, medicine and the environment. Sixty years after its founding in 1959, CASW adopted a new focus on the quality, diversity and sustainability of science journalism, in response to the challenges facing the field in the 21st century. Visit to learn more.
About the Science Communicators of North Carolina
”SCONC” is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit volunteer organization founded in 2007 to connect science communicators and cultivate a love of science across North Carolina. We develop, support and promote high-quality science communication through digital media and in-person gatherings. We welcome scientists, writers, educators, podcast hosts, students, university staff… in other words, just about anyone interested in communicating science. Learn more and join us at