NASW news

Artist's conception of national grid

Energy grid resilience: Making decisions under uncertainty

Severe winter storms slammed into Texas a year ago, causing the worst energy infrastructure failure in state history. During a Feb. 20 virtual panel at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, three experts weighed in on what grid resilience means, how we improve resiliency, and how we enact these changes in an equitable way.

Mar. 2, 2022
Live jellyfish fitted with microelectronics that stimulate fast and efficient swimming.

Cyborg jellyfish: The future of deep ocean exploration?

The dark depths of our ocean remain largely unexplored, making it one of the most mysterious and poorly understood regions on Earth. An aeronautical engineer at the California Institute of Technology thinks he’s discovered the perfect way to take the plunge – cyborg jellyfish.

Mar. 2, 2022