Product and design thinking: These two techniques can help your science writing business
Are you struggling to please your writing clients and failing to get repeat business? If so, product and design thinking may help your business boom.
Are you struggling to please your writing clients and failing to get repeat business? If so, product and design thinking may help your business boom.
The final day of ScienceWriters2021 (#SciWri21) brought a new perspective on science writing, focusing on the history of science in a session titled “How (and Why) to Pitch a 100 Year Old Story."
The challenges associated with getting scientists to write and talk to a non-expert audience were discussed in the “Editing experts: How to help scientists meet journalism standards" panel at the ScienceWriters2021 Conference.
NASW members are invited to apply for a spot in the Peggy Girshman Idea Grant-funded workshop "Pandemic Recovery: Creativity, Mental Health and Resilience."
Oct. 14, 2021Andrew Meissen (@AndrewMeissen) is the recipient of the 2021 Diane McGurgan Service Award from the National Association of Science Writers. The award is presented annually to a volunteer or volunteers who have gone beyond the call of duty to lead or support NASW programs and activities.