NASW news

ScienceWriters2020 has a new logo

Nathan Pieplow, a professor at the University of Colorado in Boulder and author of the Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds, has created the winning logo this year’s ScienceWriters2020 conference.

Jun. 29, 2020

NASW Awards 3 Diversity Summer Fellowships

Congratulations to MK Manoylov, Ariana Remmel, and Evelyn Valdez-Ward on being selected for 2020 Diversity Summer Fellowships from the National Association of Science Writers. Each will receive $5,000 as well as a one-year membership to NASW.

An update from our Treasurer

In the era of COVID-19 I wanted to provide members with an update on the status of NASW’s finances. The bottom line is that the organization is currently in stable fiscal shape, despite the state of the national and global economy. We are moving forward very conservatively to ensure continued stable footing so that we have resources in place to support members during the ongoing crisis.

Jun. 16, 2020

Meet the 2020-2022 board candidates

Later this year, NASW members will vote on the 15 NASW board members, who will serve from October 2020- October 2022. Read on to meet the candidates. All regular NASW members will receive a personalized email with instructions and a link to the online voting proxy in late summer.

May 19, 2020