The NASW Education Committee is again sponsoring its annual mentoring program at the AAAS meeting in Boston, February 14-18, and we need at least 30 volunteers to act as mentors. We match veteran writers with students in graduate science writing programs or undergrads who have displayed a serious interest in science journalism. We've had a lot of interest so far from students across the country!
Jan. 25, 2013NASW news
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The National Association of Science Writers invites applications for the Laura Van Dam Travel Fellowships to this summer's meeting of the World Conference of Science Journalists in Helsinki, Finland, June 24-28, 2013. Update: We will be notifying applicants by March 12.
Jan. 24, 2013Are you a student looking for guidance on how to establish a career in science writing? Are you curious about how senior science writers do their jobs? Here's your chance to find out through the NASW Mentoring Program, which matches science writing students with established science journalists and public information officers for a day during the AAAS Annual Meeting. This year's meeting is February 14-18 in Boston.
Jan. 9, 2013The Open Notebook has collected the thoughts of a half-dozen editors who took queries during the popular Pitch Slam at ScienceWriters2012. The six — Laura Helmuth, Amanda Moon, David Corcoran, Beth Quill, Susannah Locke, and Tasha Eichenseher — discuss what they look for (one word: "voice") and whether they prefer short or long queries: "Finally, remember that the best way to figure out what editors are looking for is to read the publication."
Nov. 20, 2012NASW fellow Amy West took photographs at ScienceWriters2012 in Research Triangle, N.C., Oct. 26-30, 2012. Use the "read more" button to see them.
Nov. 14, 2012Last month in Raleigh, N.C., during the NASW business meeting, three dedicated volunteers were awarded the 2012 Diane McGurgan Service Award. Congratulations to Rick Bogren, Robert Irion, and Mari Jensen. Read on to learn more about their contributions and the award.
Nov. 8, 2012Every science writer has probably been experienced the same problem at one point or another: you've stumbled upon a great topic, but it isn't a story. How do you find a good angle and a narrative arc that will help you craft a story that readers won't want to put down?
Oct. 29, 2012Moderator Nancy Shute began the “Wikipedia: The best, most hated resource for science communicators" seminar at ScienceWriters2012 by proposing this question to the audience. Dozens of sheepish science writers slowly raised their hands and a nervous giggle filled the room.
Oct. 29, 2012Alan Brown, moderator of the panel, “Surviving your mid-career crisis,” faced a scary question as a feature writer when the demand for long-form began to dwindle: how would he make a living?
Oct. 29, 2012