Unboxed Media is me-myself-and-I, Janet Rae-Dupree, former staffer at (in reverse chronological order) the Silicon Valley Business Journal, U.S. News & World Report, BusinessWeek, the San Jose Mercury News, Los Angeles Times, The Daily Breeze, the L.A. Daily News... Yes, one covers lots of territory during three decades in this business.
Nov. 2, 2010NASW news
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The newly redesigned National Association of Science Writers web site has some major new features as well as refined versions of tried-and-true features from our previous site. Here's a brief guide to what's new, what's moved, and what's changed on our site. If you have any questions that aren't answered here, send them to cybrarian@nasw.org and we'll get them answered.
Nov. 2, 2010Hello, fellow science writers! I'm Virginia (Ginny) Hughes, an NASW Travel Fellow, freelance writer, Brooklynite, foodie and brain geek. I'm interested in neuroscience, genetics, biotech and the growing number of ways in which they overlap.
Nov. 2, 2010I’m Anne Frances Johnson, a grad student in science journalism, and seriously pumped for a fun conference. Let me start by saying THANK YOU NASW for supporting graduate travel fellowships! It is enormously gracious of you and a huge help for us.
Nov. 2, 2010I’m Marie Zhuikov, NASW travel fellow and a freelance writer/editor who specializes in environmental and health topics. When not freelancing, I work as a project administrator for the St. Louis River Alliance, a nonprofit group working to protect, restore and enhance the St. Louis River in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Nov. 2, 2010I'm going to leave my laptop computer at home for the conference—my first work-related trip since the mid-1990s without one. But I'm bringing my (work-assigned) iPad, and stuffing my ongoing work into the cloud of Google Docs and Dropbox in an attempt to keep up. I' m surprised at how nervous this strategy is making me.
Nov. 2, 2010Hi all. I'm Sara LaJeunesse, a freelance writer/editor and a NASW travel fellow this year. I'll be reporting on the "Profitable freelancing: Starting a business and keeping it productive" session. The goal of the session is to teach participants how to wear the many hats of a freelancer: writer and editor; CEO and employee; and treasurer and accountant. As a newbie to the freelancing world, I look forward to receiving this advice and to sharing it with you.
Nov. 2, 2010I, too, received one of the graduate student travel fellowships to attend Science Writers 2010 at Yale in New Haven. As a graduate student in Arizona State University's School of Life Sciences (SOLS), I study the interwoven fabrics of neuroscience, genetics and behavior. The journey from basic research at the lab bench to treatment at the bedside fascinates me.
Nov. 1, 2010Hi! I'm one of the graduate travel fellows. I will be attending ScienceWriters2010 with many of my classmates from New York University's Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program (SHERP) - a 16-month MA in science journalism. Most of us have never attended an NASW conference and we are excited for all the great events, familiar faces and new acquaintances.
Nov. 1, 2010