Congratulations to the twenty NASW travel fellows selected for a grant to attend ScienceWriters2013 Nov. 1-5 in Gainesville, Florida. Check the full post for a list of recipients. Thank you to all who applied. We had a record setting number of applications.
Science writing news
Health journalists John Fauber, a medical investigative reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and Joanne Silberner, a freelance multimedia journalist and former National Public Radio correspondent, are the recipients of the 2013 Victor Cohn Prize for Excellence in Medical Science Reporting.
In Astronomy 101, Carolyn Collins Petersen brings the seemingly out-of-reach down to earth, providing basic facts and a contemporary perspective on discoveries about dark matter, the big bang, extraterrestrial life, and more.
“I didn't find the idea for my book. It fell into my life like a ton of bricks,” Katy Butler relates. In Knocking on Heaven's Door, Butler describes her parents’ experiences with disability and terminal illness, and explores high-tech and other treatment at the end of life.
Are we doing the right thing by recruiting students into science journalism, which is undergoing all the upheavals that are hitting journalism as a whole? Will they find jobs or good freelance opportunities? Michael Balter of New York University’s Science, Health and Environmental Journalism Program discusses this question in the Summer 2013 ScienceWriters.
Deadline anxiety? Technostress? Take the quiz in Ruth Winter’s book, Triumph Over Tension, and benefit from expert advice on managing daily hassles.
The IRS is unyielding when NASW members receive Science in Society Journalism Awards or other awards of money or property in recognition of their journalistic or literary achievements. Writers owe income taxes on their awards. From the Summer 2013 ScienceWriters.
The winner of the 2013 Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award, an annual prize for young science journalists, is Megan Scudellari. Scudellari received the award and its $1,000 prize for “Never Say Die,” a story about aging and life extension in MATTER, a Kickstarter-funded online magazine; for an article in The Scientist about prosthetic limbs, “Missing Touch;” and for two shorter pieces.
Linda Marsa’s Fevered explores a genuinely hot topic, the impact of rising temperatures worldwide on human health.