Economic Struggles Support Group
Are you applying for PPP or other economic relief? Join us for #SciWriCoffee to exchange experiences, tips,or just have a sympathetic ear from other NASW members navigating the bureaucracy.
Are you applying for PPP or other economic relief? Join us for #SciWriCoffee to exchange experiences, tips,or just have a sympathetic ear from other NASW members navigating the bureaucracy.
Rob Irion, director emeritus of the UC Santa Cruz SciCom program, will kick off NASW's Virtual Summer Mentor Program with a session on SciWri101.
The National Press Club Journalism Institute and NASW are partnering for a program that will offer tips for creating a writer-friendly physical space, finding your focus, and developing new tools to write in short bursts.
COVID19 coverage has taken over the airwaves and workflows bringing with it unprecdented challenges. Are you writing about topics other than COVID19 for an institution or publication? Join us for #SciWriCoffee to share your experiences, the good and the challenging.
Are you struggling with the best ways to support your staff or freelance writers remotely? Are you feeling pressure from all directions? Join us for a special #SciWriLive Q&A session on Wednesday, May 20 at 2:00 pm ET with leadership and management expert Jill Geisler.
NASW members are invited to join in a virtual informal Q&A session with freelancers Roxanne Khamsi and Wudan Yan this Thursday, April 23 at 11:00 AM Pacific. Wudan and Roxanne, who have been actively covering COVID-19, will talk about how they work during a fast-paced crisis and address members’ questions.