NASW news

Update on ScienceWriters2020

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing and NASW have decided that it is unwise to continue with a plan for a large, in-person October gathering, given the unknown and potentially high level of risk for individuals. We will postpone our gathering in Colorado, originally scheduled for October 2020, until the fall of 2021.

May 8, 2020

Announcing NASW’s Virtual Summer Mentor program: Can you help?

The NASW Education Committee is sponsoring a Virtual Mentoring Program for students who are unable to participate in a summer internship or other opportunities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we need your help to assist the many students who find internships cancelled or unavailable.

Apr. 29, 2020

Freelancing in a Crisis: NASW members invited to virtual Q&A

Are you a freelancer wondering how best to cover COVID-19? NASW members are invited to join in a virtual informal Q&A session with freelancers Roxanne Khamsi and Wudan Yan this Thursday, April 23 at 11:00 AM Pacific. Wudan and Roxanne, who have been actively covering COVID-19, will talk about how they work during a fast-paced crisis and address members’ questions.

Apr. 20, 2020

Meet our new community managers

The National Association of Science Writers hosts three email-based discussion lists that aim to foster a sense of community among members who are scattered across the country and globe, and connect members with shared professional interests.

Apr. 15, 2020