NASW news

The Nominating Committee was asked to present an official slate of three candidates to fill a mid-term vacancy on the NASW Board. Use the "read more" link for details on the candidates and the election process.

Oct. 5, 2017

A special thanks and welcome to NASW's new treasurer, Alexandra Witze. The Board voted to have Alex, a contributing correspondent for Nature and Science News magazines and first elected to the Board last year, fill the mid-term opening in the treasurer position created when former treasurer Robert Frederick departed last month to pursue a political run.

Sep. 27, 2017

More than 700 attendees from 62 countries have registered for WCSJ2017, scheduled for Oct. 26-30 in beautiful San Francisco. Take part in this rare opportunity to attend a World Conference close to home and register by Oct. 12. Registration may close early if capacity is reached.

Jul. 26, 2017

The National Association of Science Writers’ inaugural Diversity Fellowship has been awarded to two fellows — Aneri Pattani, a recent graduate of the journalism program at Northeastern University in Boston, and Marissa Shieh, a student in NYU's Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program.

May 25, 2017

Strong media literacy must be taught as early as elementary school, and journalists and scientists need to ensure accuracy of the information they distribute, to curb the spread of misinformation, particularly in the age of social media, experts say.

Apr. 24, 2017

Climate change and its effects could threaten the very existence of those whose lives and livelihoods depend on the world’s fisheries, as waters warm and sea dwellers move away in search of more hospitable environments.

Apr. 24, 2017