NASW news
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Thanks to generous support from foundations, media organizations, and individual donors, the 10th World Conference of Science Journalists is excited to offer travel fellowships for professional and student attendees from the U.S. and abroad. Apply by March 15, 2017
Jan. 18, 2017The proposal to amend the constitution to allow any NASW member to serve as an officer did not pass. But the NASW Board is setting up a new ad hoc advisory committee to propose paths forward.
Jan. 9, 2017The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW), in cooperation with NASW, this week launched a new fundraising campaign to provide travel fellowships for international science writers attending the 10th World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ2017) scheduled for October 26-30 in San Francisco.
Nov. 22, 2016The winner of the 2016 Diane McGurgan Service Award is longtime NASW volunteer Lynne Lamberg, as announced by president Laura Helmuth on October 29 during ScienceWriters2016.
Nov. 16, 2016Thank you to the 700 members who took the time to participate in the recent votes on the NASW bylaws. The final vote, shown below, is that the general housekeeping updates to the bylaws overwhelmingly passed. The proposed Article IV amendment, which would have allowed any NASW member to be an officer, did not pass. The most important takeaway, however, is not which option prevailed, but how close the margin was.
Nov. 7, 2016Managing social media in a small or solo business can be challenging but there are strategies and tips to make things easier, according to panelists in "How to increase your social media reach when you’re a one-person shop."
Oct. 31, 2016