The winner of the 2015 Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award, an annual prize for young science journalists, is Madhumita Venkataramanan, now head of technology coverage for the Telegraph in London. Venkataramanan received the award and its $1,000 prize for two stories in Wired (“My Identity for Sale” and “Welcome to BrainGate”) and one story for the BBC (“The Superpower Police Now Use to Tackle Crime.”)
Aug. 24, 2015NASW news
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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel science and medical reporter Mark Johnson, a career newspaper journalist whose work is marked by its scientific breadth, human impact and storytelling verve, is the recipient of the 2015 Victor Cohn Prize for Excellence in Medical Science Reporting.
Aug. 18, 2015Several types of travel fellowships are available to ScienceWriters2015. In addition, NASW's travel fellowships have been consolidated and are open to any science writer, editor, publication information officer, or journalism instructor with financial need. Applications due August 25.
Aug. 2, 2015Over $11,000 has been awarded to ten recipients in the most recent round of Career Grants offered by the National Association of Science Writers. Open to all established science writers, whether freelancers or employees of publications, universities, or other organizations, the Career Grants award up to $2,500 for projects that aim to increase the overall scope of the person's career opportunities. Read more to see the list of recipients.
May 19, 2015The National Association of Science Writers is pleased to announce our fifth round of Career Grants. Since 2009, over $100,000 has been distributed to help established science writers advance their careers. Apply by the end of the day, April 30, 2015.
Mar. 23, 2015In recent years, Karl Deisseroth has revolutionized neuroscience research. Through the development of ingenious techniques, he has brought researchers closer to understanding how the brain works and how neurons determine behavior.
Feb. 24, 2015