The NASW board just finished its meeting. No spoilers for the business meeting tomorrow. Primarily we were there to think big and long-term. We're working on a vision statement for NASW that encompasses the turmoil in science journalism over the past few years (and what we hope are some values that should remain constant).
Nov. 5, 2010NASW news
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Slidecasts and videos of six ScienceWriters2010 sessions Saturday in suddenly snowy New Haven, Conn., have now been posted on the ScienceWriters2010 site. You can also read about the weekend's events on Twitter, Facebook, and the fellows' blog.
Nov. 5, 2010It’s happening. Publications everywhere are adding video and audio clips to their Web sites, uploading everything from standalone teasers and interviews with prominent researchers, to “This-is-how-it-really-works” demonstrations.
Nov. 5, 2010I'm Beth Skwarecki, one of the NASW freelance travel fellows. I'm a freelancer based in Pittsburgh, PA (previously Ithaca, NY) and I'm excited to be part of ScienceWriters 2010.
Nov. 5, 2010I'm Catherine Meyers, a graduate student in the science communication program at UC Santa Cruz. On Saturday I will be blogging from the session "A global science writing community: Gearing up for the World Conference of Science Journalists 2011." I am excited to learn about the world of science writing outside of the United States.
Nov. 5, 2010Hi! I’m Susan Young, NASW graduate travel fellow and UC Santa Cruz Science Communication student. I'm looking forward to a fun and informative weekend at my first ScienceWriters meeting.
Nov. 4, 2010And other journalists out there in Twitter-ville already are jealous of us.
Nov. 4, 2010Hi everyone, I'm Stephen Ornes. I'm an NASW Travel Fellow this year, and I'll be blogging on the Saturday afternoon session titled "Great science writing II: Building the big book." I always get a kick out of Jennifer Ouellette's blog, "Cocktail Party Physics," and I'm looking forward to hearing her talk about moving from blogger to book author.
Nov. 4, 2010Hi all, I'm Allison MacLachlan, an NASW Graduate Travel Fellow this year. I am currently a Master's student in MIT's Graduate Program in Science Writing, and am very much looking forward to attending my first NASW meeting this coming weekend.
Nov. 4, 2010