Science writing news

Stone tools suggest Homo sap enjoyed Arabian nights earlier than previously thought. The State of the Union and the state of US science. #SciO11: How to explain science on blogs plus the state of women bloggers

The research showing that vaccines cause autism is a deliberate hoax, but the arsenic bug tale is self-correcting science. Also, blogger list, top 2010 stories list, Science Online 2011 (#SciO11)

Does Jonah Lehrer's New Yorker piece hurt science? Plus yet another week of the arsenic bug and the spotlight it shines on science writing. Plus blogs as newspapers-of-record.

Last week's news: The bacterium that substitutes arsenic for phosphorus is not, after all, from outer space. This week's news: Many scientists doubt that the bug is even very good at substituting arsenic for phosphorus.

American Heart Association travel stipends

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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